Catalogue Entry numbers
Catalogue Entry numbers
Catalogue entry numbers are useful for tracking records in hardcopy catalogues or lists that you have sent out to customers. Catalogue entry numbers are assigned when a catalogue is Published or Republished. When you output a catalogue you are prompted with a message asking if you wish to publish the catalogue. Answering Yes will result in entry numbers being recorded in the entry number field for each record. Publishing a catalogue in effect freezes the catalogue, disabling all additions and deletions to it. You can still modify the content of the corresponding Stock records in published catalogues and these changes will be reflected in the output except for changes made to the price and CatSection fields, which are not reflected in the output for any existing published or online catalogues. (If an item is currently online, you will be prompted to re queue it if you modify it so that the changes are reflected online.)
The entry numbers are the most efficient way to track and locate items in published catalogues or lists. This is especially useful when customers order several items from a catalogue. The corresponding catalogue record can be more easily retrieved using the entry number rather than searching for the Author or Title. Note: If you want entry numbers to be printed in your catalogues and lists you must include the entry number field in the output format.