Adding records to Catalogues
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Records can be added to a catalogue by using any of the command buttons provided on the Stock Screen as follows:

AddTo: (Alt^O) Adds the current stock item to the catalogue you select or creates a new catalogue if you enter a catalogue name that does not already exist. If you are adding several items in succession pressing return when prompted for the catalogue to add to will add the item to the default catalogue which is always the most recent one you selected. Entering a new catalogue name in the selection box presented will create a new catalogue.

AddList: (Alt^I) Add all the items in an existing catalogue to a catalogue you select. Entering a new catalogue name will create a new catalogue.

+View: Add the current view on the Stock form to the catalogue you select. Entering a new catalogue name will create a new catalogue. Use the View/Find command button to select a view of records conforming to a set of selection criteria specified by you. For example you could add all stock items having a price>30 and number of copies>0 to a list for sending to colleagues or clients in this way.