Quick Add Department buttons
Quick Add Department buttons
In admin mode you can define Quick Add Department buttons to handle generic items and items that are not already in your records and that you do not wish to catalogue. Sales can then be processed at the POS by selecting the appropriate Department button. These buttons behave much like traditional PLU (programmable lookup) keys on cash registers.
Hint: In addition to these Quick Add Department buttons Stock records can also be created to handle less common, fixed priced, items generically. Set up as many Stock records as needed, using a consistent naming strategy so that users can find them when needed. For example to generically track Sale items that cost 5.95 create a Stock record and fill in the title as PLU – Sale item (Programmable LookUp Button), set the price to 5.95 and the Department to Sale Items. Set up as many records as there are prices to represent. At the POS the operator can now search for title PLU and select the appropriate candidate from the list presented.
There are two type of Quick Add Department buttons: