Initialising ShopCart in Bookmine
Bookmine will generate a new directory called ShopCart under the directory you specify.
It is essential that this directory be at the same level as all the catalogues/lists directories you output from Bookmine. These are the directories which contain the files containing your actual records and the intra-catalogue navigation file.
Hint: your Web site Mirror
Ideally you should have an exact mirror of your Web site on your local disk drive. Changes made to the mirrored site on your local machine should be copied (using FTP) to your live Web site only when you are sure that any changes you made are working properly. This will enable you to test your links locally before committing changes to the server where your site is located.
BEWARE: UNIX vs MS Windows. If previewing your site locally on a browser on a Microsoft Windows operating system you should be aware that links that work may not work properly when browsed from the Web Server. This is because Web servers are invariably Unix based, where Directory and file names are case sensitive. MS Windows names are not case sensitive. A link such as <A Href =MyFile.htm></A> to a file in the same folder called myfile.htm will work locally. On the server the file MyFile.htm will not be found so the dreaded Error 404 will be displayed.