Finding records or groups of records

Finding records or groups of records

The same command is used to find specific records as is used to find Views (sets or groups) of records that conform to specific criteria. Use the Find/View (Alt^V) (sometimes specified as View) command in both cases. When invoked, this powerful command enables you to enter multiple criteria, via a query by form interface, to specify the record or group of records to retrieve. Each search returns a View of your Records. For hints on how to efficiently specify criteria in searches see Finding records. Views are the most efficient way to look at and manipulate your data.

Stock Views can be manipulated as a group to make numerous operations more efficient. For example the view can be added to a specific catlaouge or printed directly. The view might be of all records that have Crime fiction as a keyword that are between $10 and $30 in price. The combinations are endless and are determined by the quality of the data stored. For instance you may want to see all titles where the Author is Hemingway, a simple query. If however the name is misspelt Bookmine will not retrieve it.

When entering new reords and enhancing old ones always remember that computers, like humans, can only answer those questions that they have been already given the answers to.