Starting a new Stock Take
To start a new Stock Take - go to the Main Switchboard – Admin Functions, and click the Stock Take button. A password is required to enter this area. Your administrator should know this. The password is a fixed value that InfoMining would have passed on to you at installation time.
From here you can review existing stock takes by selecting from the drop down list or Start a new StockTake by entering a new name. Follow the instructions from here. When starting a new Stock Take make sure to name it so that you can subsequently recognise it.
Computing Cost of Goods: Before starting you should examine the options relating to how Costs will be handled. You can elect to use the Weighted Average cost or the most Recent Cost Delivered to compute cost of goods before and after the stocktake.
In addition you can elect to have Bookmine derive costs for any item that does not currently have a positive non-zero cost stored for it. Bookmine will firstly attempt to derive the cost from the most recent delivery and the discount applying at that time. If that fails it can optionally derive it from the current Sell Price and a Percent Discount that you are prompted to provide after starting. Entering 100% means that a cost of 0.00 will be used for the item.
NOTE: If you are using a Denso Barcode Handy Terminal (BHT) to record counts to be imported into the stocktake you must ensure that the name of the StockTake contains only alphanumeric characters. So a name such as StockTakeJun07 is ok whereas StockTake Jun/07 will cause problems when you attempt to upload counts using the Denso upload utility. You wil receive a message that says the file path is illegal.
NOTE: If using a Denso BHT terminal to record counts make sure the data and time are correctly set before starting as this is used to compensate for sales made since the counts were recorded.
The start date is automatically recorded by Bookmine and this helps identification.
Stock Takes can include ALL inventory items or you can elect to limit it to one or more departments. The Enterprise version allows you to select any subset of Stock using the full Stock search criteria. For example you could just do a stock take on all items supplied by a specific supplier only or that are in a catalogue.
A stock take is made up of item records and count records. Each item record represents an inventory item. Each item record can have one or more count records, each representing a count for that item. The total for any item is the sum of all the item counts for that item.
When a Stock Take is setup all item counts are set to zero and the flag indicating that a count has been entered for that item is cleared. As counts are entered this flag is set on the first count for each item. When finished you can view all items where either a count has or has not been recorded againt it.
This is the screen you use to add counts manually to any item. This StockTake is locked so no counts can be added.