Printing Invoices/Receipts
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Printed invoices/Receipts are made up of two parts. The first part, the item details, lists the items on the invoice and the totals, etc. This is typically sent to or given to the contact. The send part, the summary page, includes a full shipping label, a credit card slip (for invoices) and a summary of the invoice for your records. This summary can be kept as a backup for emergencies.

Invoices/Receipts can be printed directly (use Print Invoice button) or previewed (use Preview Invoice button). In Preview mode the invoice/receipt will be displayed as it will appear on the printed page. Click the mouse button to toggle between full-page and detailed view. Click the Printer icon on the toolbar to print or use the Close icon to exit without printing.

You will be prompted to Deactivate the invoice before printing. If you have not completed entering all details and wish to just preview the invoice or wish to modify any details answer NO to this prompt which will return you to the Transactions form with the same transaction still active. Answering YES will result in this Transaction being Deactivated (To prevent inconsistencies between the details saved in the database and those sent to the contact, modifications are not allowed to INACTIVE transactions. You can explicitly reactivate a transaction by using the Reactivate button on the transaction form. Take extreme care before reactivating invoices as it may have unexpected consequences relating to totals for periods. This is especially relevant under GST accounting rules. It is possible to pay GST on a single invoice )