ONIX In Bookmine
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ONIX In Bookmine

You can import ONIX Bibliographic listings from any supplier directly into Bookmine. This provides a way for you to get quality, accurate bibliographic information imported in to yourr core records. If the ONIX records contain link to images the images will be imported as well.

Many suppliers provide their latest releases in ONIX format. Go to their web sites and search for ONIX downloads. This is the fastest way to get accurate bibliographic information into your inventory records.

Importing ONIX files into Bookmine

Go to Main SWBD - Supply and Purchase Ordering - Import Records - ONIX Import

Follow the instructions. You can import ONIX listings where every item is from a single supplier or from multiple suppliers. If from a single supplier Bookmine will prompt you for the supplier's name. As the import proceeds Bookmine creates Supply Conditions records for each of the items imported.

This is not possible if the file contains records from several suppliers. Bookmine would have to prompt you to select the supplierr for each record.