Operator Level
BookMine has various levels of security depending on the version you have purchased.
BookMine requires every operator to have an operator account which identifies them at login and determines which areas of the program
they have access to. The operatorId is optionally used to track sales and other functions. Operator accounts are set up by an administrator. To configure operators go to Main SWBD - Admin and invoke the "Administer Operator Accounts" command.
From here you can set up new operators, suspend old ones and specify the security level for them. Note: security levels take effect only in the Enterprise version of the program. In the non-Enterprise verisons all operators are equal.
All security settings are accessed from the Main SWBD - Admin interface.
BookMine POS Plus and Marketing - single level security
BookMine POS Plus and Marketing come with a single level security with optional security on a predefined list of sensitive operations. An administrator can optionally specify a hidden Admin password to limit access to these functions. In addition there is a confirmation password that is used merely to alert the operator that they are about to proceed with a potentially damaging operation such as adding 1000 contacts to a distribution list or deleting a contact or inventory record. This password can only be set or changed by someone who has access to the Admin area (contact the vendor if you forgot the password) but is known by every operator as it is needede for normal POS operation. It is a device to ensure the operator is paying attention to the process they are agreeing to as opposed to preventing them from carrying it out.
The optional Admin password prevents operators from carrying out specific tasks. It can only be set by someone who has access to the Admin area. If set this password is required when an operator wants to carry out any of a preset list of operations that are deemed potentially harmful, such as changing the quantity on hand for an item or placing items in purchase orders using the replenishment interface. If this password is not set then access to these operations is via the standard, non-secret confirmation password (see above). If Multi Level security is active then these functions are available to Supervisor or Higher only.
BookMine Enterprise - Multi level security
The enterprise version has a 5 level security model. Operators are assigned a security level when they are set up which determines the areas of the program they can enter. See below for an overview of the limitations on operators if multi level security is activated.
In addition the confirmation password (see above) is still used to alert the operator that they are about to proceed with a potentially damaging operation such as adding 1000 contacts to a distribution list or deleting a contact or inventory record.
Configure Multi level security
To configure multi level security go to Main SWBD - Admin - Operator Level Security. Click the "Activate Multi-Level Security" command and follow the instructions. The operator levels already set up will not be active until BookMine is restarted on the client workstation. To modify security levels and generally administer operators use the "Administer Operator Accounts" command.
Overview of restrictions in Multi level security.
The following is a list of the areas that operators of different levels have access to. Each level has specific permissions as well as all the permissions of the levels below them.
All functions for levels below this plus
All functions for levels below this plus
All functions for levels below this plus
Office Staff
All functions for levels below this plus
POS Operator
All functions for levels below this plus
POS operators cannot get access to the main area of the program without their security level being elevated to Office Staff or above. In all cases the elevated level can be retained for the rest of the log in session or just for the single operation. If elevated for a single operation only it is the responsibility of the operator who elevated the permission level to ensure the program is back in a restricted area before continuing. For example access to the Main Switchboard requires Office_Staff level. Once there you can go to most places in the program even if you are logged in as a POS Operator so it important that the program is returned to the POS interface again unless you wish the operator to maintain this access fro the rest of the session.