Sending all records online - purging/reinitialising your online listings
If you have existing records online (on you web site or in OLBs) and want to clear them all to start again you first have to ensure that the existing records are purged online before sending your entire listing again from Bookmine. Each web site and OLB will have their own process to carry this out - contact them for details.
If you have only one site you upload your records to skip to "Queuing all records..."
Selectively uploading to Multiple web site and/or OLBs
If you are subscribed to more than one OLBs and/or your own web sites you may want to selectively purge the entire listings from one or more of them, leaving all others as they are. To ensure this do a standard refresh cycle first to ensure all your current sites are up to date.
Then go to Output - Refreshing Online Catalogues TAB - Setup/Modify online Bookstores button.
In turn select all the sites you do not want to send to and untick the option for each of them to automatically sent ftps.. (after this upload you will tick these back on)
Selecting/Queuing/Requeuing all records for sending online.
Now we want to requeue everything to go back online which first requires clearing everything from the standard online catalogue.
Go to the Catalogues form (Cat/List from Stock form)- select Standard Online Catalogue from the list of catalogues (top right).
Click the Clear button and agree to PURGE the data (i.e. we do not want to queue them for deletion online). This will clear all entries from the Standard online catalogue.
Now go to the Stock form - select a view of everything you want to be uploaded. Add this View to the Standard online catalogue using the +View button under the catalogue group. For more details...
The Standard online cat will now contain all records to be sent online (to display you may have to reselect the cat on the cat/list form).
Go back to the Output form and do a standard Refresh cycle - this may take a long time, depending on how many records and images are to be sent. If it impacts on speed at the POS do it late in the day and leave it run overnight.
If this upload bombs out during the SENDING process (ie after it starts to ftp the images to the online server) process you can zip up the images folder and the upload command file and send that to the destination web site using a standard ftp client. Make sure to let the web master know you re sending it in this format.
If you have unticked any OLBs for auto ftping remember to tick them back on so that they are including in the next refresh cycle.