Contact distribution lists
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Distribution lists are a powerful and versatile way to group Contacts together in lists which can then be manipulated as a unit in much the same way that catalogues are used to manipulate groups of Stock items.

Creating Lists

You can create new lists by invoking any of the commands for adding contacts to a distribution list from the main Contacts screen. Entering a new list name creates a new list if you confirm the operation when prompted. If the list type you select is Email, Bookmine will automatically check contact’s email addresses for validity before allowing them to be addied. This saves time in future when a list contains 2,000 members and is being used as the recipient list for an email. This cuts down greatly on the number of invalid addresses in the list, which cause non-delivery of emails and can be time consuming to manage.

Adding new members

Use the Add or Add View to add single or multiple members to a list. Follow onscreen instructions.

Deleting/Suspending members

Memebrs can be deleted/suspended from a list at any time using the Remove button. If in future anyone attempts to readd them to the same list they are warned that the member had been suspended sometime in the past, maybe by request of the customer, and should not be readded without checking the alert box.

See the Distribution Lists command area on the Contacts screen for more information.

Using lists

Lists are composed over time and will expand to include more an more members who are interested in specific topics or who are to be invited to events or parties. They can be used at any time to specify the recipients of offers, mail merge output, emails, printed as envelopes or to disk files. They are an idela way to manage targeted marketing campaigns ensuring only those who have opted in actually get the material being presented.