Select the credit card type from the list provided. Enter a new type if not already included.
Expiry dates on credit cards refer to the last day in the specified month. You can enter the date as any day in the required month and it will be automatically converted to the last day of that month. To avoid confusion between US and International date formats it is recommended that dates be entered in the format d/mmm/yyyy where d is between 0 to 31, specifying a day in the month, mmm is the abbreviated form of the month such as jun for June, etc, and yyyy is the full year. E.g 7/apr/2007 will be automatically converted to 30/april/2007
A date such as 7/4/2007 will be interpreted either as 7/apr/2007 (and converted to 30/april/2007) or 4/July/2007 (and converted to 31/July/2007) depending on how your date is specified in the Windows environment (See control panel / Regional Settings / Date. Set the date to dd/mmm/yyyy to avoid any ambiguity, especially when dealing on the International market where various formats prevail.) All dates should be entered in the format d/mmm/yyyy to avoid confusion caused by your Windows default date format being changed without you knowing. Four digit year dates are always recorded, even if you enter only two digits, but it is recommended that you always enter four digits for the year to avoid ambiguity.
You can specify as many credit card numbers as you wish, selecting one as the active one (default) to be used unless otherwise specified.