Rescnchronising data with the server
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Rescnchronising data with the server


In disconnected mode operation sales can be processed and new stock and contact records created. Note: Modifications to existing stock, contact and new email records will not be reflected after synchronisation with the server data.

Resynchronising with the server.

Bookmine can be used in disconnected mode for as long as is required. Disconnected mode can be maintained over several days and multiple sessions, adding disconnected transactions in each session as required. At some stage you will want to post these transactions back to the server.

To resynchronise with the server reconnect the client to the local area network and start Bookmine in normal mode. It will take longer to start as Bookmine reconnects to the server and carries out the required housekeeping. All new stock, contact and sales records created since starting in disconnected mode will be posted back to the server during startup. All payment and shipment dates are set to the date of resynchronisation to ensure that totals are not retrospectively disrupted for existing daily totals.

Note: Payments processed in Disconnected mode will be all attributed to the date and time resynchronisation was carried out, not the actual date they were made on. The Order/Start and the Shipping/Locking dates of the transactions will be retained, reflecting the actual time and date the sales was started and shipped.

After resynchronisation Bookmine reverts to working normally, accessing the data on the Server. You should check to ensure that all disconnected transactions have been posted back correctly.

Locating a Disconnected Sale after posing back.

Each sale made in Disconnected mode is stamped with a unique TransID that is printed on sales dockets, preceeded with a D, ie D12345 for disconected docket 12345. When disconnected sales are posted back to the Server they are assigned new Transids to prevent clashes with IDs already assigned by the server. In this example the new Transid might be 546789. When a customer presents a docket issued in a disconnected session the Transid will be prefixed with D.

Enter the D followed by the number into the Find field on the POS screen. In the example you would enter D12345 - Bookmine will return the new docket that represents this Disconnected sale (in this case Transid 546789 will be displayed). Returns etc can be processed against this like any normal sale.