Integration with your Web site - Overview
We have several options for presenting your inventory on the web: (i) Partially Hosted (ii) Fully Hosted or (iii) via upload facilities from your BookMine inventory to your existing web site.
(i) The Partially Hosted solution integrates our search and secure shopping cart facilities into a web site designed by you or your web designer. This provides uploads of changes from your BookMine database, including multiple images per item, at the click of a button; versatile search facilities and secure ordering facilities. We provide full search on author, title, description and provide a drop down list of all the main topics defined in your in-house inventory records in BookMine. These topics are available to the visitor to navigate around your inventory. In addition Keywords linked to records in BookMine (each inventory record can have as many keywords as you need to categorise it) appears as related topic links on your Web site. Effectively the categorisation you put in place to help you and your staff to group and search for items in your in-house database are available, with no extra effort, on your web site. When you add or remove items online the list of available topics is automatically adjusted to reflect changes. This helps web visitors to search for items just as you would in your database. There is almost no ongoing maintenance besides deciding in Bookmine what you want to add/remove to/from the web site so that the site is always up to date. This avoids time wasting and customer disappointment for items you no longer supply. As of April 2006 the cost is a one off $1,990 license fee, $78.00/month hosting for up to 100MBytes of space, and a time cost for actual set up and integrating the search with your web portal.
Please visit for an example of Partial hosting. Please note: we did not design the site. The uploading, searching, display of summary and detailed results with image handling, and shopping cart facilities are provided by us. The user can modify many elements of the display to suit their colour schemes via a Web interface.
(ii) Fully Hosted Solution (Recommended): In this case our designers work with you to get the solution you want. The cost depends on your specific requirements. The upload and search are similar to the Partially Hosted solutions. Prices vary between $4,000 - $7,000 (Apr 2006) depending on requirements.
Examples of fully hosted sites can be found at and - please note both these site have over 10,000 items on display, many with multiple images which are automatically managed and uploaded by Bookmine when changes are made to the local record. Via Bookmine the web site contents can be micromanaged, listing and delisting single or multiple items as required.
On the Fully Hosted Solution the user can make changes to many aspects of the site via an intuitive, password protected web interface. For example, changing the text on the front page does not require any knowledge of HTML. Just enter the new text in headings or plain text fields provided and the changes are reflected immediately online using the styles and colours of your site. This makes ongoing maintenance of the site so easy that the job actually gets done. Typically users have to pay for designers to make such changes and most likely have to wait days for the changes to be made. With BoldInfo you make changes when and where they are needed.
(iii) The costs of integrating an existing web site depends on many factors which we would have to discuss with you before a cost could be estimated. Please conatact