Changing an item’s on-line Status
Changing an item’s on-line Status
Note: to change an item from being online For Sale to online Wanted (or vise versa) requires a few steps, depending on the specific OLB, more specifically, depending on the delays which can occur at an OLBsite in processing your update files. To be sure that the status recorded for each item in your local inventory (in the Standard Online Catalogue) is a true reflection at all times for each OLBs you must carry out the following when you wish to change an item from being For Sale to Wanted
OLBs take a finite time to respond to your requests to update your inventory, i.e. sometimes there are delays of up to 48 hours or more between the time you send your updates to them and the updates being applied by them (In situations where there are problems with their server, or the Internet, this delay can be even longer). All updates are sent in files which end up in a directory on their server. For this reason sending them a file which directs them to remove an item For Sale can be overwritten by another file sent which directs them to add the same item as a Want. The result can be that the item now appears as being Wanted by you on your local system while still appearing For Sale on the online system. Clearly this is an undesirable situation. Sending files with unique names can also cause problems as the order in which the files are to be applied by the OLB is not specified and the results can be ambiguous. The OLBs should confirm receipt and processing of your files before you send another. Unfortunately not all OLBs adhere to this practice.
A reasonable assumption is that the updates most recently sent will take precedence. Sending update files in quick succession (within 24 hours of each other) may cause discrepancies between your online records and the Standard online catalogue. The delay required will vary between OLB's and from week to week.