See here to configure an Online Bookstore in Bookmine
As more and more business is carried out over the Internet it is important that you are able to respond quickly to opportunities as they arise. Bookmine gives you the tools to achieve this.
At present there are several on-line bookstores (OLBs) on the Internet which enable you to make your inventory available for browsing and buying to millions of Internet users around the world. When a customer finds an item of yours in an online bookstore they can buy direct or contact you and negotiate a sale, depending on the arrangements you have with the OLB. This in effect gives you access to a worldwide customer base. You can also use OLBs to post details about books you are looking for.
As every bookseller knows, printed catalogues are expensive to produce and to distribute. Many customers you send catalogues to may not even look at them due to immediate time or money constraints. In many cases you would be better off saving your time, money and paper and not sending them a copy. But which customers do you cut from your list.
The OLBs are an inexpensive alternative (or adjunct) to printed catalogues which offer you a mechanism to make your inventory available to a potential audience of millions of interested customers without the need for paper or postage. Typically you send catalogue style descriptions of your books to the OLBs which they make available for browsing over the World Wide Web on their server for which you pay a fixed monthly fee (depending on the OLB). Customers can then order directly from you by email(most common), fax or phone. At present there are several such OLBs up and running on the Internet,. the most prominent being Advanced Book Exchange, Bibliofind , Bibliocity and Interloc. Bookmine provides a simple interface to all these and enables you to incorporate others in the future as they come on-line. In this way you can maintain your inventory on numerous OLBs directly from the familiar interface provided by Bookmine’s standard Stock and Catalogues forms.
Whether you subscribe to one or all of these on-line bookstores the task of maintenance is the same. Bookmine assumes that the same inventory will appear on all OLBs. (Note: you can set up a semi-automatic system to handle exceptions, such as an online resource which only deals in books above some prescribed value. In such a case you would maintain a separate catalogue to handle updates.). When items are sold they should be removed from all on-line systems. When modifications are made to existing records they should be resent online to reflect these changes. When you add new items For Sale or as Wants they should be posted to all on-line systems. Bookmine achieves all this, automatically, via the Standard Online Catalogue.
See here for an Overview of how to configure Bookmine to automatically update all the OLBs you are subscribed to.