Locking and Unlocking a Stock Take
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Locking and Unlocking a Stock Take

To ensure that a Stock take cannot be accidentally changed in future it should be locked using the LOCK button. Use the Unlock button to subsequently unlock it. Note only one Stock take can be ACTIVE (unlocked) at any time. If you wish to unlock a stock take you have to lock any other ACTIVE first. Finalising a Stock Take automatically LOCKS it.

If you do a department Stock Take (i.e. does not include all items) you may just wish to lock it without finalizing (live stock values will not be updated to reflect counts). You objective may be to get an idea of the unders/overs etc. The problem with partial stock takes, while being very valuable, you are never sure if items that should have been counted have just been misplaced in another section by staff or customers moving them. Partial stock takes can still be a valuable tool to keep a track on your inventory trends and checking accuracy.