Stocktake Reporting - Viewing
You can change the onscreen display using numerous sorting options and specifying which records you want displayed. Investigate the options on the main Stocktake form. The display can be limited to show “unders”, “overs”, counted only, non counted etc by selecting the appropriate on screen options. The best way to familiarize yourself with the options is to play around with them.
Any subset of records displayed can be printed or exported to an Excel spreadsheet for further processing.
During the counting process use the Update totals button to update the totals displayed. This can be carried out at any time. It does not affect the counts.
You can limit the display to :
After displaying you can export the displayed counts to an Excel spreadsheet or view them using a standard Report.
To find an item just scan the barcode for it or use the Find Item button which enables you to enter titles etc.