Special Customer Orders/Requests

Special Customer Orders/Requests

When a customer wants an item that is not currently in Stock a request can be recorded and optionally a special order can be placed for it at the Supplier. This can be processed at the POS interface, from the Stock record on the main Stock screen, from the customers record on the main Contacts screen or from the Point of sale interface.

At the POS – Locate the contact record (can create new record if no match is found) using the Customer Lookup function. Special orders can be processed from here.

From Stock and contacts form use the Suppliers buttons and invoke the Requests/Special Orders button.

You are prompted for the item being requested/ordered. Use the search to find the item. Requests can be recorded with or without putting them on order at the Supplier. The former is to keep a record for items that can not be ordered immediately but may become available again in the future. Special Orders are for items where there is a current supplier with stock on hand and the expectation is that the item can be supplied in reasonable time.