At any location you can run onscreen reports that can be output to Excel or printed as required. The reports can be limited to date ranges for both when the Request was posted or when the Supplying locationh Dispatched the goods.
Show only Our Requests for stock - Limit the display to only show Requests for supply from the other locations.
Show Supply from this location - Limit the display to only show requests for Supply from the current location to other locations.
Sorting - Toggle between sorting Ascending/Descending by any field by clicking on the corresponding column heading.
Summary vs Detailed - Show summaries by stock item or list all individual transfer line items using the Summarise by Stockid button (caption chages to Remove Summary by Stock). In Summary mode the totals are show for each stock item for the period. In non-summary mode the individual Transfer Requests are show, with the Date Requested and Date Dispatched by Supplier. Clicking on either of thses fields will show the Transfer Request that contains this line item. In summary mode the date fields are blank as the result is summarising data over several instances.
Export to Excel - any onscreen listing can be exported to Excel using the Excel command button.
Stock Details - to see full details of any stock item click on the corresponding Title field. From here you can drill down to other information relating to the item.