Importing records from ONIX files
Go to theMain SWBD - Supply and Purchase Ordering - Import Records
Before importing make sure to read the note on Supply Condition records.
Click the ONIX Import button and follow the instructions.
Before starting an import it is best to tick the option Skip precheck for match to Bib Databases
This is essential if you wish the records to be enhanced from BFOL or BFCD from Nielsen. You may only wish to import a small proportion of records from the listing and do not wish a check to be carried out on the bib databases for each record. At the time of import a lookup will be carried out only on records tagged for import.
Th import process will import records from the selected ONIX file into your stock records and create new Supply Conditions for any not already supplied by the supplier.
The import takes place in two stages:
Purchase Ordering directly from the Import Holding queue
After the import process has finished existing and new matching records in the holding queue will display with the stockid of the matching stock record. Clicking this raised button will drill down into the supply details. Also the item can be placed in a purchase order by clicking the Order Now… button. This is an efficient way to place orders against items that have been imported from a BISAC or publisher listing. In effect you can order the items as the rep goies through them.