Importing records from BISAC files
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Importing records from BISAC files

From the main import screen click the BISAC Import button and follow instructions.

Before starting an import it is best to tick the option Skip precheck for match to Bib Databases

This is essential if you wish the records to be enhanced from BFOL or BFCD from Nielsen. You may only wish to import a small proportion of records from the listing and do not wish a check to be carried out on the bib databases for each record. At the time of import a lookup will be carried out only on records tagged for import.

Before importing make sure to read the note on Supply condition records

When import starts the user is prompted for the supplier to link the imported records to. They are then asked to locate the BISAC file to be imported.

The import process will import records from the selected BISAC file into a holding queue. This will be displayed for previewing before any actual importing is carried out.

You will be prompted for a password (the enabling password for deleting records is used for this)

The import takes place in two stages:

  1. The raw data is read into a holding queue and is displayed to the user for previewing and manipulation. The user Tags/UnTags any items they wish to be imported as desired. See the Import Queue for more details.

  1. The user starts the import process after reviewing which records are to be imported. At this stage the records are imported into your stock records and supply conditions are created if they do not already exist. See Import Queue for more details.

Bookmine create a supply conditions record if none already exists for any item for that supplier. If there is no existing primary supplier the new supplier becomes the Primary supplier. Otherwise the new supplier is set as an active supplier only.

During import a progress bar is displayed while the import progresses. Importing large numbers of records can be time consuming.

Purchase Ordering directly from the Import Holding queue

After the import process has finished existing and new matching records in the holding queue will display with the stockid of the matching stock record. Clicking this raised button will drill down into the supply details. Also the item can be placed in a purchase order by clicking the Order Now… button. This is an efficient way to place orders against items that have been imported from a BISAC or publisher listing. In effect you can order the items as the rep goies through them.

The Import Holding Queue can be viewed at any time by clicking on the View Import Queue from the main import form. The contents will be the last records imported on the computer you are using. Note: each workstation has its own import queue to prevent interference between users. As soon as you select a valid file for importing the previous contents of the import queue on that workstation is deleted and replaced by the new candidates for importing.