Adding field and Value Mapping to an Import Template
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Adding field and Value Mapping to an Import Template

On the Import Template screen you can add new field and value mappings and edit existing mappings for any Template. The following assumes you are viewing the Template to be modified.

Add Mapping Fields

You now add mappings between fields in the external source file and the inventory fields available in Bookmine. The Mapping can be either a Field or literal value mapping. The former maps the source field contents to the selected destination field. If you elect to map a literal value you can enter the value that will be copied to the target field in all records. This is useful for adding Keywords, Department and Catalogue sections to the imported stock record.

For example the Source file might have fields “Author”, “MajorTitle”, “RecPrice” etc and you might want to add xxSuppX10Nov2014 as a keyword to each record.

The most sensible mapping would be

[Field Author to Author]

[Field MajorTitle to Title]

[Fields RecPrice to RRP].

[Value xxSuppX10Nov2014 to Keywords]

Each field or value mapping is defined by a single line entry in the Template.

Field mappings can be modified and deleted at any time. Select a new source field from the Source dropdown list or change value to be mapped by entering new value. Select a new Target field using the Select Target button for the mapping.

To view or print a summary of the existing field and value mappings click the “Display Mapping” button.

Templates can be modified at any time, honed until the mapping is as you require it. After setting up or modifying a template you are advised to test it by importing one or two records and examining the results carefully before attempting a large import. Small numbers of records can be manually deleted and re-imported if required. This can be time consuming if a mistake is made with thousands of imported records. Import by Template is very powerful and must be used with caution.