Importing data - An Overview
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Importing data - An Overview

How To

Import BISAC records

Import ONIX records

Import using Template Based importing (Enterprise version of Bookmine only)


Bookmine can import fixed format text files such as ONIX and BISAC, and, where the user has a Bookmine Enterprise version license, files of almost any regular format using the Template Based import functions. The latter enables the user to define import templates for almost any type of consistently formatted file to be imported, specifying the field mappings from the Source file to the target fields in Bookmine. In addition literal values can be specified as the source data which will be copied to the selected target field in all the records imported. In this way the imported data can be tagged for subsequent tracking using department, Catalogue Section, Keywords, etc.

CAUTION: It is recommended before importing large numbers of records using a User Defined Import Template you do a test import on a small subset of the records in the source file (3-10) and check the results carefully. Undoing changes can be difficult, if not impossible, and time consuming. Data will be overwritten for fields mapped and cannot be retrieved.

Nielson BookFind Online – Enhancing imported data

If Nielsen Bookdata is installed on your system the records that do not already exist will be optionally pre-matched based on ISBN/EAN and the records can be enhanced from the corresponding bibliographic records on import. Once a record already exists in Stock it will not be enhanced again by this process, thereby preserving any changes made to records after the import process.

Supply condition records

Bookmine creates Supply condition records for each record imported that does not already have one for the supplier under consideration. Please read the note on Supply condition records for more details. Existing supply condition records are updated with the new data.